• Welcome

    Explore the world of Hip Hop Therapy.


Hip Hop & Youth

Since its inception, Hip Hop has empowered youth to achieve identity, belonging, and purpose. Today the challenges facing youth are looming. But a new generation of change leaders have taken the stage and are remixing the status quo.

Hip Hop Therapy (HHT) combines community-defined evidence-based practices with proven therapeutic techniques to help youth heal, grow and lead. This new framework for wellbeing has gained mainstreamed attention and has become a field of practice and study.

Hip Hop Therapy

Global Institute

The Hip Hop Therapy Global Institute (HHTGI) is a social venture that aims to scale Hip Hop Therapy and accelerate the impact of its far-reaching community. Central to our design are three pillars; connect, amplify and broadcast. Through these pillars, we strive to build infrastructure, capacity and public support on behalf of our network. We develop useful tools that are free and readily accessible. We envision a world where every young person is at-promise and Hip Hop Therapy, and its core principles, are widely used as a tool for teaching youth to nurture wellbeing in their lives actively.

Support the cause

We rely on your generosity and support. We welcome contributions of all sizes.

The Hip Hop Therapy Global Institute is a fiscal sponsorship fund at Silicon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF). Donations will be processed by SVCF, a 501(c)(3) public charity registered in the United States, EIN# 20-5205488. Contributions will be tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. SVCF will provide a formal acknowledgment letter containing tax-deduction language for your records, and the full amount of your donation will go directly to Hip Hop Therapy Global Institute.